A History of Golf in New Zealand

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A history of Golf in New Zealand details the origins of Golf in New Zealand in 1871 all the way through to Lydia Ko’s incredible rise during the past decade. Golf has a rich history in Aotearoa, and the book highlights the key administrators and players in a reflection of each decade since the national administration started in 1910.

It features a comprehensive list of the winners of the major national tournaments, the results of teams in the World Amateur Team Championship (Eisenhower and Espirito Santo) and other events.

  • Hardcover 
  • 325 pages 

“There is no other game quite like golf. I cannot imagine my life without what I call the greatest game of all.” – Sir Bob Charles.

The key personalities with a dedicated article include Sir Bob Charles, Frank Nobilo, Michael Campbell, Steve Williams, Patsy Hankins and Lydia Ko, plus many more.

A History of Golf in New Zealand is the perfect tabletop book. Every time you pick it up, there will be a fascinating New Zealand golfing story to read.